Term 4 Week 2 2024
Principal News
Kia Ora Welbourn Whānau,
After 23 years at Welbourn School, the last 7 as our amazing Tumuaki/Principal, John Carr has sadly decided to resign. As Principal, John has successfully led Welbourn School, strengthening learning outcomes for students, modernizing buildings and grounds and grown its name as a fantastic school within the New Plymouth community. John will leave behind a great legacy and we are sad to see him go but wish him well for the future.
With the greatest respect to John, the Board will shortly begin the recruitment process to find a new Tumuaki/Principal. As part of this process we will be reaching out to our Welbourn whānau and staff to seek feedback on the things we believe the Board should consider in the appointment of a new Tumuaki/Principal, so watch this space.
John will be with us until the end of this term, so be sure you make time to thank him for the leadership, commitment and energy that he has given to Welbourn School over many years.
Ngā mihi
Alistair Simmers
Presiding Member (Board Chair)
Class Placements for 2025
In the coming weeks we will begin planning classes for 2025. In making up classes a large number of variables are considered, including the students’ age, achievement and interests. We also consider the ethnic and gender make up of the classes and the social and academic needs of students in each class. If there is anything you would like us to consider when placing your child, please make an appointment to meet me before November 15th. This can be done by contacting the office. These meetings are not an opportunity to request a particular teacher.
Ngā mihi
John Carr
Te Hēnui Walk
This week the classes in the Te Hēnui team took a walk down by the Te Hēnui stream right next to our school as part of their Science learning for term 4. They are looking at " what is a stream?' and " what is in a stream?" . We were very lucky to have lots of parents join us on our hikoi. The learning will continue in the classes for the next few weeks and the students will be able to share what they have learned.
The Huatoki team are also looking at the Te Hēnui and the Huatoki streams as part of their Science learning. Their focus is testing our awa to check the quality.
Ukulele and Marimba Festival
Last week on Wednesday 16th of October, our Welbourn ukulele players performed at the TSB stadium. As always they did Welbourn proud and all their practising, which meant giving up their lunchtime each week, paid off. Thank you to Rebecca Sargent for leading the group .
Home and School- CALENDAR ART
Calendar Art - The order forms have now all gone home with students. We apologise for the date on these. There was a delay in the forms being sent and so we have extended the cut off date to October 30, 11:30pm.
These make great gifts for Christmas. The funds raised go into the class resource pool - Did you know each teacher can buy resources for their class, up to $300 each year, and this is reimbursed by the H&S Association.
New Zealand Recycling Week
NZ Recycling Week is 21st – 27th of October but we are collecting all month
What: Donate Your Old Mobile Phones or any tablets/iPad’s
Where: Collection box at school office.
Let’s clear out those old devices gathering dust and make a positive impact on our planet!
All conditions are welcome!
Upcoming Teacher Only Day
A final reminder about our teacher only day TOMORROW - Friday 25 October. Our teachers will be coming together to unpack the new curriculum content in Mathematics and Writing. School will be closed for students on this day.
Contacting the Office
If you have any queries, absences to notify or requests please contact us by texting / phoning the office 027 723 7295 or 06 757 5810. Alternatively please email office@welbourn.school.nz. Please note that our Facebook page is not regularly checked by our office staff and Seesaw is for class work sharing. THANK YOU!
Summer Sports
We are looking for 3 more players to join our 10th grade Summer Soccer team. Is there anyone who would like to give it a go? If so please contact me using the details below.
Summer Soccer: Played Tuesday Evenings at Merrilands domain. Season runs from 22nd October to 3rd December.
Touch Rugby: Season runs from Monday 14th October through to 2nd December.- (week 3 will be held on Tuesday due to Labour Day)
Summer Hockey (yr 3-6): Season runs from 19th October to 7th December.
Netball (yr NE-Yr 2): Season started on the 16th October and runs for 9 weeks. Played on Wednesday afternoons with sessions from 3:30 at Waiwhakaiho Park Netball Courts
Superstar Cricket ( NE-yr 4): Season runs from 25th October - 6th December. Cancellations on Taranaki cricket website and facebook page
Any queries to:
Sam Cresswell, Sport Administrator,
Welbourn School Phone: 757 5810
email: sport@welbourn.school.nz