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Huatoki Cultural Canvas - Term 2 2024

Over Term 2, Huatoki went on a journey of discovery and creativity. After walking around the school, we noticed the old murals were outdated, flaking and didn’t represent us. So we set out to change that! Through our Cultural Canvas Unit, we explored the concept of culture and identity while aiming to enhance the school environment by creating new murals.

Over the term, we developed our artistic skills and collaborated with peers, designing and executing murals that celebrate our school community's cultural diversity. Each class worked on a mural that reflected their class and/or the school’s culture and identity.

Huatoki Camp 2024

Our Y5-6 tamariki enjoyed 3 days at Vertical Horizons challenging themselves on activities that included; high ropes, kayaking, team building games, nightlight and raft building. 

Kererū Art Display

View some of the recent Kererū Art from our parent sharing evening. All the art is still displayed in the office foyer, library corridor & library and the hall.

Most of the class art displays also have a QR Code that give more information about the art process and the artist.

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