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Policies & Procedures

Welbourn School Policies & Procedures

All our policies & procedures can be located on SchoolDocs. The site makes policy information accessible to the whole school community. Each site contains a set of policies and procedures that is tailored to our school, and feedback from our community helps to ensure that the site reflects how Welbourn School operates. 

Using the site     

To access our policies & procedures:

Username: welbourn

Password: faircareshare

  • SchoolDocs sites are organised into sections that reflect operational requirements. The table of contents shows the key policy for each section, with dropdown menus that show supporting policies and procedures.
  • To find a policy or procedure, use the search function at the top left with a topic name or keyword. Related topics will appear in the table of contents window. Clicking on the topic you want to read and then closing the search will show where the topic sits in the table of contents.
  • For a list of important policies and procedures, search for the Quick Links topics that are available for school staff, and parents and whānau.